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The aim of this project is to investigate the origin and formation of market value in connection with the artistic act of creation. The deciding factor unfolded at the time I applied to Art Studies. Little did I know that there is a suffocating, thick aura around the concept of art’s value.


My relatives always asked questions like:

“How can you earn money with your works?”

“How will you get a proper job?”

“For how long are you going to be financed by your parents?”

“This lazy, artistic lifestyle wouldn’t last forever!”

“Artistic souls usually die of hunger, I’m afraid you’re the next one.”

Because of these, that suffocating and gloomy air just got denser, which slowly but steadily infested my inner-studio. This frustration lashed me down, I couldn’t create freely. Every time I had an idea, I immediately started to overthink it, “HOW CAN I EARN MONEY WITH THIS?” I decided to resolve the situation.


I was always fond of T-shirts, as the base material of my works, I drew and modified them, so it was obvious what I’m going to use. The project was set into motion. One of my first questions was, what’s the easiest and resourceful modifying act one can make with a tee? To wear them. During the project I used exactly 164 tees, which is the number of existing currencies around the globe. For five months I integrated these into my everyday life. I wore them all and they became a piece of art when I took them of and put them into the box. All of them unwashed, because dirtiness is not the point of my project, but an inevitable part of wearing. Each cost a Million, but each in different currencies.










Due to the minimalistic act of modifying every piece opposed with illusionary prices, I ask my questions:

Where was it created?

How much value does it have, and because of what?

What’s the act of creation’s value?

What kind of acts are required to create art?

What impression move the praise or differentiation of these pieces?

For what and how much are people willing to pay?

How does the art-market function?

Are these tees going to get bought at all?


The answer lies in the website’s traffic in future.

Happy Hunting!

(prices fixed on 10 april 2017)

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